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I mainly write about UX design careers, leadership in design, and self-development. Much of my content is based on the struggles, lessons, and experiences I’ve accumulated throughout my career. I occasionally update some articles to keep them relevant and helpful.
Turning accessibility rules into real-world inclusivity - Impact Day 2024
Design Leadership
Discover how to transform accessibility compliance into meaningful digital inclusivity. Learn practical approaches to create more inclusive digital experiences beyond mere rule-following, as shared at Impact Day 2024.
Tallinna Ettevõtluspäev 2024 - kolm võtet kliendi mõistmiseks
Design Career
At Tallinn Entrepreneurship Day 2024, I introduced three practical methods for customer research: card sorting, empathy mapping, and customer journey mapping. These techniques help new entrepreneurs understand customer attitudes, values, and behaviors, guiding product development in the right direction.
Leveraging VRIO framework to boost UX team strategic impact
Design Leadership
Design teams often struggle to demonstrate their strategic value to the organization. In our case, the solution came from the VRIO Framework, typically used for business strategy.
Leading UX teams beyond measurement anxiety
Design Leadership
Design leaders face the challenge of balancing measurable outcomes with creative freedom in UX teams. By fostering a culture of trust, playfulness, and experimentation, leaders can help their teams overcome measurement anxiety and unlock their full potential.
Refresh Conference 2024
Design Leadership
Design leaders can drive organizational change by communicating design’s tangible value, integrating UX principles, and aligning design efforts with business metrics. You will learn how to leverage UX maturity, process models, and strategic metrics to elevate your design team’s impact and influence.
Craft a compelling career narrative on LinkedIn
Design Career
Design team leads review LinkedIn profiles and cover letters during the hiring process with keen attention to specific details. The article highlights key areas of a LinkedIn profile that catch a reviewer’s attention, including headlines, ‘About’ sections, and skill presentations. It also emphasizes the often-overlooked value of a well-crafted cover letter. Aimed at early-career designers, this piece provides tips on how to make profiles more engaging and effectively showcase skills and experiences to stand out in the competitive design field.
How to get what's available: Game theory
Design Leadership
Game theory offers a strategic framework for navigating complex organizational dynamics. Design leaders can leverage game theory principles to map key players, identify governing rules, and find mutually beneficial solutions. By applying these concepts, you will balance weaker positions, obtain valuable resources, and achieve equilibrium for the common good in your organization.
Unlock your design team's potential with a dynamic skill matrix
Design Leadership
A strategic skill matrix elevates design team performance by creating clear expectations and guiding individual growth. Initial setup, assessment workshops, and continuous updates align skills with organizational needs. This approach fosters improvement and drives team success in the competitive design landscape.
Reverse patina
Life’s cherished moments and possessions inevitably show wear. By reframing our perspective on life’s ‘dents and scratches,’ you will discover profound opportunities for growth and resilience, even in the face of challenging circumstances.
Redesign your leadership using McKinsey's 7-S framework
Design Leadership
McKinsey’s 7-S framework provides a structured approach for design leaders to assess and improve their leadership. By identifying gaps and opportunities across these seven dimensions, you will develop a comprehensive plan to enhance your effectiveness and drive your design team to new levels of success.
How UX maturity evaluation drives strategic decision-making
Design Leadership
UX maturity evaluation provides crucial insights into team perceptions and areas for improvement. By conducting structured interviews and analyzing results, you will clearly understand your organization’s UX standing, enabling informed strategic decisions and focused improvements in your UX leadership role.
Where are you aiming?
Design Career
By systematically evaluating your interests, skills, and experiences, you will identify the most promising internship opportunities and create a targeted career development plan. This structured approach helps overcome uncertainty and imposter syndrome, enabling you to craft a compelling profile for potential employers.
IT-ametite päev 2023
Design Career
I designed a short presentation for TalTech’s IT Day in 3 iterations and different views to engage high school and college students on the importance of design in product development across various IT fields.
10 reasons designers should embrace LinkedIn
Design Career
10 reasons why designers should embrace LinkedIn for career growth. Learn how this platform can help build credibility, showcase your portfolio, attract recruiters, and connect with industry leaders in the design field.
Äripäeva Raadio - Minu karjäär
Design Career
Kristina Lillo and I were interviewed in Äripäeva Raadio about career options for youth in SEB. We shared insights on starting a career in IT and design within the banking sector, emphasizing SEB’s support for young professionals in fintech.
Updated and restarted
I embrace imperfect action in content creation. Inspired by thought leaders, this post marks my first step towards regular writing and idea-sharing.
Refresh Conference 2023
Design Leadership
At Refresh Conference 2023, I shared SEB’s journey in revamping UX strategy. Discover how strategic frameworks like UX Maturity Evaluation, McKinsey’s 7-S, Game Theory, and VRIO Analysis transformed our team’s approach and aligned our actions with organizational goals.
Using CodeKit 3 with PatternLab 2
A guide from 2016 showing how developers integrated CodeKit 3 and PatternLab 2 for efficient web workflows. Peek into past techniques for optimizing setups, controlling CSS generation, and using CodeKit as a debugger, code processor, and server.